Hi and welcome to my website!
My name is Hamish Child and I am a technical consultant who has a passion for solving problems with code! I have experience with web development and machine learning, in a variety of different languages.
I am entirely self taught, having started my journey in coding during my Masters in Physics at Lancaster University. I brought rigour to my programming whilst developing an internal CRM/Timesheet web application for my current employer, as I worked in a small team using Agile methodologies.
This is a place for me to showcase and develop my skills in front-end web development. I have built this website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript so far,
but I am looking to expand on my use of JavaScript to include the React Library.
Please check out the projects I am working on in my free time below, specifically this one (Personal Portfolio). Also check out my CV for further details on my academic and work experience.
If you have any comments or tips on the design or functionlity of this website please create a issue on the GitHub Repo or email me directly.